Saturday, November 8, 2008

Live from Opportunity Recognition

Class has just started... and Prateek gave us an overview of the new TYE Social Network. Again, it is mandatory that everyone sign up because we are posting all of our videos and presentations there. Join here or else! So far 30 members have joined, including John McCain... er, what? You'll have to sign up to see...

10:00 AM: We've just seen some awesome demos from Malay Kundu from StopLift. Check out the demo of his product here. In case you have forgotten already... StopLift has created the industry’s first-ever checkout vision system able to successfully detect “sweethearting”, which occurs when cashiers pretend to scan merchandise but bypass the scanner, cover up bar codes, etc., thus not charging the customer for the merchandise. The customer is often a family member, friend or fellow employee working in collusion with the cashier.StopLift’s patent-pending software-based computer vision technology visually determines what occurs during each and every transaction to immediately identify loss at the checkout. Cashiers are identified on the basis of video evidence the very first time they produce a loss, rather than months or even years down the road, significantly reducing inventory shrinkage, deterring future theft, and boosting profitability.

11:00 AM: We have also just heard from Ron Beraha on the 6W's and SWOT. His presentation is embedded below if you want to review it.
Opportunity Recognition 2008
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: tye)

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